4x4 Volunteer Van Acquisition

The volunteer van project aims to acquire a robust 4x4 vehicle, crucial for enhancing the operational effectiveness of drone support missions in Eastern Ukraine. We plan to buy either VW Crafter 4x4 or VW T6 Long. The goal is to raise at least 70,000 USD.

Possible look of the ARCZ van

A multifunctional tool

This van will be not just a means of transportation; primarily, it will replace the current civilian cars, which have been worn down by extensive use in challenging conditions. The new van will serve as a mobile command center, providing a ground station for drone operations and a mobile repair workshop for on-the-spot maintenance. Additionally, it's designed to be energy self-sufficient with a specialized rear section for secure drone handling and operations.

Current private van

Beyond logistics

The van will be also integral to the training aspect of our mission. It will serve as a mobile training hub for new drone operators, allowing for hands-on experience in diverse environments. The ability to carry essential spare parts and perform repairs near front-line positions is expected to significantly increase the team's responsiveness and effectiveness.

This project, therefore, represents a substantial step forward in the our team's capabilities, allowing for prolonged deployments and a greater impact where it's needed most.